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⛥انـرژی مـثـبـت➕⛥

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Sharing your location lets others keep an eye on your progress to a destination or help look out for your safety. In Telegram, open a chat, tap the paper clip button, and choose Location to share it. The option to automatically save media to Gallery is back with renewed vigor: saving media can now be enabled and disabled separately for chats with users, groups or channels. Copy a Part of Text from a Message Telegram Messenger Tricks

Appearance section in Telegram To create a channel, right swipe on the homepage, and tap on “New Channel”. Provide your channel name, description, select channel type, and create a unique URL. That’s it. There are times when we know our close ones studying, sleeping, or attending meetings, but we want to send some messages without disturbing them. Well, there is a feature called Silent Messages on Telegram. Basically, you can send messages and it will not make any sound or vibration even if the recipient has not turned on DND. That’s great, right? So to use this feature, type out your message and then tap and hold the “send” button. Here, choose “Send without sound” and you are done. If you want to use Telegram in a region where it's blocked, you'll appreciate the Telegram function that allows you to connect via a proxy server. Most of the time, it's better to use a VPN on your phone, but a proxy can still help you get around regional restrictions.

Send uncompressed file Pros of switching Never Share With: Hide your profile photo from specific people. The platform supports two types of channels: public and private. The former can be found in search, and anyone can join them, whereas the latter can be joined only via invitation links.

This means you can start typing a message on your mobile and continue on your desktop. The draft will remain in the editing area on all sync devices until it is sent or deleted. On Android, simply slide out the left menu and choose New Secret Chat to start a new one. On iPhone, open a chat, tap the contact's name at the top, choose More, and then hit Start Secret Chat.

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